
** Special Note: An Evolving Guide**

This guide is designed as a comprehensive introduction for those new to the world of UAPs, paranormal research, and high strangeness. While I’ve aimed to cover the most important figures, theories, and cases, this is an ever-growing document—there may be topics that I expand on or add over time as new insights emerge or as I revisit areas that deserve more depth.

If you’re new to these subjects, this guide should give you a solid foundation to start exploring. If you’re more experienced, you may find perspectives that challenge your thinking or connections you hadn’t considered. Either way, this is just the beginning—there’s always more to uncover beyond the veil.

** Introduction: A World on the Brink of Revelation**

There has never been a singular consensus on UFOs, hauntings, or cryptid encounters. Throughout history, these phenomena have been taken as undeniable truth by some and ridiculed as nonsense by others—and that remains the case today.

Ancient civilizations recorded encounters with strange beings and celestial visitors as fact, embedding them into religion, folklore, and historical accounts. Medieval societies feared spirits and supernatural forces, while early modern newspapers covered skyborne mysteries with serious intrigue. Even into the mid-20th century, UFO reports, poltergeist activity, and cryptid sightings found a place in mainstream discussion.

But as scientific materialism took hold, these subjects were increasingly dismissed—not necessarily because they lacked evidence, but because they likely challenged the prevailing worldview. The unexplained was relegated to folklore, ridiculed in popular media, or buried under government secrecy and disinformation.

Now, that era of outright dismissal is beginning to crack.

Governments are admitting they don’t know what’s in our skies. Respected scientists are revisiting the nature of consciousness, reality, and the possibility of non-human intelligence. The same institutions that once scoffed at these mysteries are now forced to confront them.

Yet, one undeniable truth remains: the deeper we look into the phenomenon, the more complicated it becomes—almost unnaturally so. Patterns emerge, only to dissolve into contradictions. Answers seem within reach, yet always remain elusive. Those who investigate too closely often find themselves questioning not just the nature of the phenomenon, but reality itself.

This guide is your gateway into the unknown. Whether you’re a curious skeptic or a lifelong believer, we’ll explore the figures, theories, and events that define High Strangeness—the bizarre intersection of UFOs, cryptids, hauntings, and intelligence beyond human comprehension.

The veil may finally be lifting.

What is High Strangeness? Beyond UFOs and the Paranormal

Coined by researcher John Keel, the term High Strangeness describes cases that defy conventional classification. It’s not just UFOs, hauntings, or cryptids—it’s the moments where those phenomena bleed together, creating a puzzle without a clear solution.

  • A UFO sighting followed by poltergeist activity
  • Sasquatch appearing alongside glowing orbs of light
  • A dogman encounter in the same area as a rash of abductions
  • A person suddenly finding themselves in a different era, interacting with people and surroundings from the past, only to abruptly return to the present with no apparent transition—commonly known as a time slip.

It’s as if reality itself glitches during these events. Time behaves oddly. Electronics fail. Witnesses experience altered states of consciousness—almost as if they’ve been allowed to glimpse behind the curtain of existence.

Many researchers believe that UAPs, hauntings, and cryptid sightings aren’t separate phenomena, but different faces of the same intelligence. Something that interacts with human perception in ways we barely understand.

But who—or what—is behind it?

Key Figures & Researchers: The Architects of High Strangeness

Jacques Vallée – The Interdimensional Theorist Once a believer in the classic alien visitor model, Vallée abandoned the idea that UAPs were simply extraterrestrial spacecraft. Instead, he proposed they are part of a control system—an intelligence that has been manipulating human perception throughout history. His research suggests UAP encounters mirror fairy folklore, religious visions, and occult experiences.

Must-Read: Passport to Magonia

John Keel – The Trickster and the Ultraterrestrials Keel’s research into Mothman and UFO flap events led him to believe we are dealing with a deceptive intelligence—beings that appear as aliens one day, ghosts the next, and religious figures the day after. He coined the term “ultraterrestrials,” suggesting these entities exist outside our normal reality and toy with human belief systems.

Must-Read: The Mothman Prophecies & Our Haunted Planet

Robert Monroe – The Soul Energy Hypothesis Best known for his out-of-body experiences, Monroe stumbled upon a terrifying theory—non-human entities feed on human emotion and energy. He called this Loosh farming, describing a reality where our suffering is harvested by unseen beings.

Must-Read: Journeys Out of the Body

Colm Kelleher – The Science Behind the Phenomena As part of the Pentagon’s AAWSAP program, Kelleher investigated Skinwalker Ranch, where UAPs, cryptid entities, and paranormal activity all merged. His research suggests that certain areas act as portals where reality itself bends.

Must-Read: Hunt for the Skinwalker

Hal Puthoff – The Government’s Interest in the Paranormal A physicist who worked on remote viewing for the CIA, Puthoff has long been at the intersection of science and the unexplained. His work suggests UAPs exhibit technology beyond human capability and may involve interdimensional physics.

Major Events & Cases That Define High Strangeness

Roswell Incident (1947)

  • The crash that started it all. But was it an alien craft—or something stranger?

Skinwalker Ranch

  • A hotspot of interdimensional activity, where researchers encountered poltergeists, UAPs, cryptids, and unknown radiation.

The Pentagon UAP Videos (2017-2023)

  • Government confirmation of unknown aerial phenomena defying physics.

Ariel School Encounter (1994)

  • Sixty schoolchildren in Zimbabwe witnessed non-human entities communicating telepathically.

The Pascagoula Abduction (1973)

  • Two men reported being abducted by robotic-looking beings with crab-like pincers.

The Rendlesham Forest Incident (1980)

  • U.S. military personnel encountered a glowing craft, strange symbols, and received binary code transmissions.

The Cash-Landrum Incident (1980)

  • Witnesses suffered radiation burns after encountering a diamond-shaped craft escorted by military helicopters.

The Dyatlov Pass Incident (1959)

  • Nine hikers found dead under bizarre circumstances—some with radiation exposure and unexplained injuries.

The Allagash Abductions (1976)

  • Four men on a canoe trip witnessed a bright UAP and later recalled being subjected to medical experiments.

The Falkville Metal Man (1973)

  • A police chief encountered a humanoid in a metallic suit that moved at an impossible speed.

The Cisco Grove “Robot” Incident (1964)

  • A bowhunter was chased up a tree by robotic entities emitting knockout gas.

The Ilkley Moor Alien Encounter (1987)

  • A British man photographed a small green humanoid before experiencing missing time.

The Loveland Frogman (1955 & 1972)

  • A bizarre humanoid frog-like creature seen near Loveland, Ohio, sometimes wielding an electronic wand.

The Voronezh Incident (1989)

  • Dozens of Russian witnesses, including children, reported a landed UAP with 9-foot-tall humanoids and a robotic probe.

The Markawasi Stone Forest Anomaly

  • Visitors report time slips, vanishing figures, and glowing entities at this mysterious Peruvian site.

Each of these cases suggests that UAPs and non-human encounters go far beyond simple “alien visitors.”

Theories & Interpretations: What’s Really Happening?

The Extraterrestrial Hypothesis (ETH) – Classic Alien Visitors

The Extraterrestrial Hypothesis (ETH) posits that UAPs are physical spacecraft piloted by intelligent beings from other planets—an idea popularized by early UFO researchers and reinforced by mainstream media depictions of extraterrestrial visitors. This remains the most widely accepted explanation among the general public. However, ETH encounters significant obstacles when confronted with the broader patterns observed in high-strangeness cases.

While ETH offers a straightforward, materialistic interpretation of the phenomenon, it fails to account for the many inconsistencies and contradictions present in witness testimonies, as well as the deeper ontological implications of the phenomenon itself.

The Problem of Alien Phenotype and Biological Similarity

One of the most perplexing issues with ETH is the striking physical similarity between reported extraterrestrials and humans. Witnesses frequently describe beings that, despite allegedly originating from vastly different evolutionary conditions, possess bilateral symmetry, humanoid structure, and facial features that closely resemble humans.

  • The “Grays” are often depicted as humanoid, with two arms, two legs, a torso, and a head. Despite their large black eyes, small slit-like mouths, and elongated limbs, their structure remains eerily human-like.
  • The “Tall Whites” are nearly indistinguishable from humans, with some accounts claiming they can even pass unnoticed in public when disguised.
  • Nordic or Pleiadian-type beings are described as tall, blond-haired, and blue-eyed, essentially appearing as an idealized version of a European human.

If extraterrestrials were truly evolved on other planets, subject to unique evolutionary pressures over millions (or even billions) of years, why would they share such an uncanny resemblance to Homo sapiens? This runs counter to what we know about evolution, which suggests that random mutation, environmental pressures, and genetic drift should lead to vastly different biological forms, rather than humanoid carbon copies.

Additionally, reports of encounters with insectoid, reptilian, or amorphous blob-like entities are exceedingly rare compared to humanoid forms. This disproportionate representation of humanoids in encounters is statistically improbable if we assume these beings evolved naturally on distant worlds under unique conditions.

The Deceptive Nature of Alien Encounters

Another significant flaw in ETH is the inconsistency in alien narratives regarding their origins. In abduction and contactee accounts spanning decades, entities routinely change their story regarding where they come from and why they are here.

  • In the 1950s, early contactees like George Adamski claimed aliens were from Venus and Mars, only for astronomers to later confirm that these planets were uninhabitable.
  • By the 1970s and 80s, abductees were told that their visitors hailed from Zeta Reticuli (e.g., the Betty and Barney Hill case).
  • Other reports name the Pleiades, Andromeda, or even interdimensional origins, with no consistency across encounters.

If these beings were simply biological extraterrestrials visiting from a single star system, we would expect some level of consistency in their claims. Instead, we see a pattern of deception as if the entities are adapting their narrative to cultural expectations or deliberately misleading their human observers.

This leads some researchers, including Jacques Vallée, to argue that the ETH is insufficient and that these beings are not visiting from distant planets, but rather have always been here, disguising themselves under different guises throughout human history.

The Interdimensional Hypothesis (IDH) – A Reality Control System Jacques Vallée’s theory that UAPs and entities are from parallel dimensions, manipulating human culture for unknown purposes.

Ultraterrestrials & Cryptoterrestrials – Hidden Earth Civilizations

John Keel and others have proposed that the beings we associate with UFOs and high strangeness have always been here—not as visitors from distant star systems, but as part of Earth’s own hidden ecosystem of intelligence. These entities, often referred to as ultraterrestrials, are thought to exist alongside humanity, either living inaccessible locations such as deep underground, beneath the oceans, or in unseen spaces that overlap with our reality in ways we do not yet understand.

Unlike the Extraterrestrial Hypothesis (ETH), which assumes that these beings are physical entities traveling from distant planets, the Ultraterrestrial Hypothesis suggests that they may be a form of intelligence that has coexisted with us for millennia, occasionally revealing themselves to selected individuals or influencing human history in subtle ways.

Ultraterrestrial vs. Interdimensional vs. Extradimensional

It is important to distinguish the concept of ultraterrestrials from other commonly used terms in paranormal and UFO discourse:

  • Interdimensional: This refers to beings or phenomena that originate from other dimensions that coexist with our own. The idea is that these entities can phase in and out of our perceptible reality but are not necessarily “native” to Earth itself.
  • Extradimensional: This concept extends beyond interdimensionality, referring to beings that exist outside of three-dimensional space and time as we experience it. They may not be bound by the same physical limitations as humans and could possess an entirely different perception of existence.

While the ultraterrestrial and cryptoterrestrial models differ, they raise the same unsettling question:

What if we are not the only intelligent species native to Earth—and what if that other intelligence is actively concealing itself?

The deeper we investigate, the more contradictions arise. These beings are described as physical yet ethereal, extraterrestrial yet earthbound, familiar yet alien. Patterns seem to emerge, only to dissolve into ambiguity.

Perhaps that is the point. The confusion itself may be intentional—a mechanism of control. If an intelligence has interacted with humanity for centuries, the inconsistency of its manifestations is unlikely to be accidental. Every attempt to classify it—whether as aliens, fae folk, or interdimensional entities—is met with contradictions, shifting narratives, and misdirection.

John Keel and Jacques Vallée warned against taking these entities at their word. They contradict themselves across encounters, claiming origins from Venus, Zeta Reticuli, or beyond space and time. No two accounts align, yet the fundamental elements remain eerily similar.

If deception is intrinsic to their nature, then every theory—extraterrestrial, interdimensional, cryptoterrestrial—is simultaneously true and false. The phenomenon resists definition, slipping between explanations the moment we try to grasp it.

The ultimate question remains: Is this psychological manipulation? A test? A game? Or does this intelligence simply defy human understanding?

The Cryptoterrestrial Hypothesis: A Hidden Species Among Us?

A related idea, known as the Cryptoterrestrial Hypothesis, suggests that a hidden, intelligent species has lived alongside humanity for millennia, disguising itself and manipulating human perception to avoid detection.

This theory was put forth by the late Mac Tonnies, who speculated that many of the so-called “alien encounters” reported throughout history could actually be interactions with a technologically advanced terrestrial species that has remained hidden. Unlike ultraterrestrials, which may be more ethereal in nature, cryptoterrestrials are envisioned as biological beings with advanced technology, capable of influencing human civilization while maintaining their secrecy.

Some researchers have proposed that these beings:

  • Might be responsible for many historical myths and legends, such as the fae folk, djinn, or underground dwellers like the Agarthans.
  • Could have been mistaken for extraterrestrials in modern UFO encounters, utilizing misdirection to keep their true nature obscured.
  • Might exist in remote or inaccessible locations, such as deep underground bases, hidden caverns, or even beneath the oceans, where human exploration is still limited.

While the ultraterrestrial and cryptoterrestrial models differ in certain respects, both raise the same fundamental question:

What if we are not the only intelligent species native to Earth—and what if that other intelligence isnt even activley conceiling itself, but rather just too profound for us to comprehend?

The Trickster Phenomenon – Reality as a Deception A disturbing theory that these entities lie. They mimic our expectations—one era’s fairies are another era’s UFO occupants. They are not what they claim to be.

Loosh Farming & Soul Energy Extraction

Robert Monroe’s research suggests that human emotion—particularly fear, suffering, and trauma—may be a form of energy harvested by non-human forces. He called this concept Loosh farming, theorizing that wars, disasters, and personal suffering may not just be byproducts of existence but deliberately cultivated sources of energy for unseen entities.

If true, this raises unsettling questions about the nature of consciousness, the afterlife, and what happens to us beyond death. Some have drawn parallels between Monroe’s ideas and religious or esoteric beliefs about souls being trapped in cycles of reincarnation, guided—or manipulated—by forces beyond human comprehension.

Could these entities not only feed on emotional energy in life but also influence what happens after death? Concepts such as quantum immortality, reincarnation, and interdimensional soul recycling suggest that consciousness may persist in ways that science has yet to fully understand. Some experiencers claim encounters with beings that describe Earth as a kind of “prison” or “farm” where souls are continuously reincarnated, their experiences generating emotional energy that is then extracted.

If suffering truly serves as an energetic resource for an external intelligence, what does that say about the structure of reality itself? And more importantly, who or what is benefiting from it? Perhaps humans are not what they believe themselves to be—not individuals with free will and agency, but **a crop, a resource, something cultivated for a singular purpose: to be harvested. **

Cryptids & Non-Human Intelligence

While cryptids like Bigfoot, Dogman, Mothman, and other unknown creatures are often assumed to be undiscovered animals, countless reports suggest a far stranger reality—one that blurs the lines between cryptozoology, ufology, and paranormal phenomena. Many encounters do not behave like traditional wildlife sightings but instead mirror elements commonly associated with UAPs, portals, and interdimensional activity.

A recurring anomaly in Bigfoot encounters is their strange connection to UAPs and non-human intelligences. Witnesses have reported seeing Bigfoot walking alongside small gray beings, as if acting as their escort or bodyguard. Others have claimed to witness a Sasquatch being pulled up into a beam of light from a craft, seemingly abducted just as humans report being taken.

Even more bizarre, there are accounts of Bigfoot stepping into glowing doorways or portals that vanish the moment they pass through. These reports suggest that Sasquatch, rather than being an undiscovered primate, may be linked to the same intelligence responsible for UAP activity.

Skinwalker Ranch and the Portal Connection

Few locations provide a better nexus of cryptid and UAP activity than Skinwalker Ranch. Witnesses and investigators have observed strange bipedal creatures stepping out of what appeared to be glowing “doorways” or portals, then disappearing into the darkness. Some have described seeing tall, humanoid figures with glowing eyes emerging from these openings before vanishing again.

If these reports are accurate, it suggests that at least some cryptids may not be physical creatures in the way we understand—but entities capable of moving between dimensions or realities.

This also raises the question: Are these creatures part of the same intelligence behind UAP encounters, or are they something else entirely—perhaps inhabitants of a hidden realm that only occasionally intersects with our own?

The Dogman Enigma and Its Paranormal Associations

While Bigfoot is sometimes linked to UAPs and non-human entities, Dogman encounters follow a different but equally bizarre pattern. Unlike Sasquatch, which is often described as elusive but not inherently malevolent, Dogman is almost always reported as a predatory, deeply unsettling presence.

Even stranger, some witnesses have reported seeing Dogman in areas that later experienced UAP activity, or in locations already associated with portals and high strangeness. In some cases, they vanish instantly, as if stepping into another reality.

Unlike traditional cryptids, which should theoretically leave behind biological traces or fossil evidence, creatures like Dogman and the portal-walking Bigfoot defy all known natural explanations.

The Larger Implication

If Bigfoot, Dogman, and other cryptids are tied to UAPs and high strangeness, then they are not simply undiscovered animals—they are something much more elusive and possibly intelligent. The accounts of cryptids working alongside “aliens,” entering and exiting portals, or even being abducted themselves all point toward a phenomenon that is far more complex than mere biological survival.

This leaves us with an unsettling possibility: If these beings are appearing in the same contexts as UAPs, could they be part of the same system—intelligent agents interacting with our world for reasons beyond our comprehension? And if so, are they visitors, manipulators, or something else entirely?

The Growing Public Interest: Why This Matters Now

Ryan Graves, a former Navy F-18 pilot, David Grusch, a former intelligence officer with the Air Force, and retired Navy Cmdr. David Fravor are sworn in Wednesday, July 26, 2023, at a House Oversight and Accountability subcommittee hearing on Capitol Hill about unidentified anomalous phenomena.

Whistleblowers are revealing classified UAP recovery programs. More mainstream scientists are taking high strangeness seriously. Media coverage is normalizing once-taboo topics.

For decades, people were ridiculed for discussing the unexplained. Today, governments, physicists, and intelligence agencies are quietly confirming that something real is happening.

Final Thoughts: Keep an Open but Critical Mind

If there is one thing to take away from this guide, it’s this:

  • Everything you think you know about reality is up for debate.
  • The answers are not as simple as “aliens.”
  • Keep an open mind, but always question everything.

The veil is likely thinner than we think. For centuries, the truth has been buried in folklore, secrecy, and disinformation. Now, piece by piece, it is unraveling. The unknown is revealing itself. The only question is—are we ready?

Welcome to the journey. Beyond the veil, truth awaits.

Outer Darkness | Beyond the Veil

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Outer Darkness | Beyond the Veil 🔻 Exploring the unknown, high strangeness, and the mysteries that defy explanation.

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